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The Sorrows of the Self-Centered Soul


The 1/22/2025 Trying to Walk article, “The Great Divide,” provides a helpful foundation for this article. It adds a basis for understanding what is discussed in this article and it is suggested that before you read “The Sorrows of the Self-Centered Soul,” you read, or review, “The Great Divide.” Don’t be be intimidated by the “7 min read” notice on the title page. The additional two minutes (beyond 5 minutes) amounts to 0.2% of your waking day based on 8 hours sleep. From a monetary perspective that is like having $10 and having to give up two pennies. I think it would be time well spent, and a very short amount of time at that. But some would say I’m biased.

There is an intriguing dichotomy between the evil and the righteous side of the Great Divide. (Read “The Great Divide,” Trying to Walk article 1/22/2025, for more clarity and explanation.) The evil side is all about self-centeredness, and the righteous side is all about service to our fellow men, and worship of God. One side is focused on self, the other side is focused on others.

The evil side, the Satan side, along with self-centeredness, contains all the characteristics observable in self-centered people. They want you to notice them and be impressed by them. They want you to give honor to them (Matthew 6.) They are arrogant, patronizing and condescending (Luke 18:9-14.) They have no compassion or concern for others (Luke 10:25-37.) They will use and abuse others to accomplish their objectives (John 8:1-11.)

All of this, and more, leads to them seeing everything from the perspective of how it aids or hinders their standing and the accomplishment of their goals. If something interferes with their progress they will become angry. If it aids them they will relish it no matter how destructive it may be to others individually, or to society at large.

Some may hold it inside and deal quietly, others may act outwardly and loudly, but when the self-centered person perceives their desires are being thwarted they will tend towards anger, bitterness, rage and lashing out destructively at those who are causing their pain. They will not accept responsibility but will cast blame wherever they can. In short, there is no happiness. There is no joy. There is no peace. They are, after all, on the evil, Satan side of the divide. Joy, peace and happiness are not found there.

You have encountered the bitterness of such people before. (Have you been, are you, one of these people?) At their worst they rail against those who they think have wronged them. They make hurtful accusations and threats that no one should say or hear. They cast dispersions and call harmful names. They rant and won’t be quieted or listen to reason. At their best they contain all this inside, but are affected negatively by it. All of this serves to make them more and more unhappy, to remove happiness farther and farther from them. The desire to repay evil with more and greater evil metastasizes.

Those on the righteous side, the God side, of the divide will suffer from adversity as well. Everybody does. But those on the God side of the divide have a totally different method of dealing with adversity. Those on the evil side of the divide cannot comprehend the righteous method. They would look on it with scorn and mock those who adhere to it, all the while getting more and more angry, less and less happy.

Here are some questions people on both sides of the divide can answer with a “yes.” Are you ever tempest-tossed on life’s billows? Are you ever discouraged thinking all is lost? Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Do you envy others with their lands and gold? Well, yes. So the dark side becomes bitter. But the light side sings a song, a happy song, a song of hope and promise.

Count your many blessings. Name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly. And you will keep singing as the days go by. Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold. Count your many blessings money cannot buy your reward in Heaven nor your home on high. So amid the conflict whether great or small, do not be discouraged God is over all. Count your many blessings angels will attend, help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

I have seen this dichotomy play out in real life. People living on the Satan side of the divide have adversity and they become angry, lashing out at everyone and everything, getting angrier and more bitter every minute. Meanwhile people living on the God side, with more adversity and problems think about their blessings (and everyone has some blessings) and they are able to avoid anger, make positive progress, and even find things to be happy about.

There are many blessings attached to living (and dying) the Christian life. So many blessings! Having a Savior and being a child of God are two huge blessings, but they’re only two of many. If you’re a Christian, you just can’t let life get you down. Look for your blessings. Dont’ dwell on the negatives. They will exist but they shouldn’t control you.

Think about Noah living in a world that only thought about evil continually. Think about Joseph being thrown into the pit (by his brothers!) and then into prison. Think about Stephen being stoned after his truthful sermon. Think about Peter imprisoned and in stocks in Jerusalem. Think about Paul and Silas in stocks in prison (and singing praises to God.).

But for each one of those situations, and many others that could be given, that was not the end of the story. Noah escaped the sin by the flood and the ark. Joseph ascended to number two status over all of Egypt. Stephen saw God and Jesus in Heaven as his spirit left this earth. Peter was released by an angel and went to be with the Christians who were praying for him. Paul and Silas were freed to preach to and bring the gospel of salvation to the household of the Phillipian jailer.

Paul said, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us” Romans 8:18. What a blessing! RIght? If you’re a Christian you should live your life to let the joy of your blessings show. You will be an encouragement to those around you, and to yourself as well. Maybe, those still living on the evil side of the divide will see that there is a better way and come over to the righteous side before it is too late to move.

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